Thursday, May 5, 2011

Generation Gore

No this entry is not about our former Vice President. Call me old fashioned, as in REALLY old fashioned, civil war era-where they left the heads of the losers on poles for their wives to find old fashioned. I wish they would post the photos of him, just to shut up all the truthers. It can't be much worse than the three men they have already shown with bullet holes to the head. And really, in this day and age where graphic violence is part of our culture(like it or not) these pictures and many just like it are already available at a mouse click on Google images.

At the trial for the man who hit the jeep, when they showed pictures of the Gina and Maria, the girls in the back seat of the car with their spinal columns protruding from their shoulder blades, jaws ripped off and skin torn from their faces the gasps in the courtroom were audible. My portion of testimony came directly afterward. what a bizarre day that long ago. But it showed me the general public is mostly sheltered from these types of images in America. In Europe and elsewhere, where terrorism has long been a problem, images of mangled and twisted bodies end up on the front page with regularity, they wouldn't flinch in deciding to publish these images. How else could their citizenry know for sure. Hell the played the video tape of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife after being shot to death. We must look like pussies by comparison.

Anyway....I thank my lucky stars for a grim fascination with death and decay-what can I tell you-I'm an artist-as well as a a lifetime of horror movies. I know they scare Robert to death(sorry honey!) but roll off my shoulders like so much water off a ducks back. I think in time they will be released. Maybe when the hoo haa dies down a bit. Obama is no dummy. this is all about strategy in the face of slippery slopes.

1 comment:

starspringsf said...

no worries honey-I'll protect you!