Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pakistan and the Fishes

Fuck Pakistan. Let me just say it. Fuck them...

Seriously, the fact they had this guy living right next door to one of the largest military training camps in the country and miles from the capital, for 5 fucking years-after 2 years living in another metropolitan area-they couldn't figure it out? Living BLOCKS from several high ranking military and political leaders? When they say they've been looking for him high and low with their own intelligence all this time?

Guess what, its a crock of shit. They claim to be looking for him-we give them BILLIONS of dollars in foreign aid(while at home we're cutting education, welfare, Social security, etc) ostensibly to help fund the looking. Here is the deal. They KNEW they had him. What other logical explanation is there? Its like saying every police force in the country is looking for your mom. And she lives in Hayward! just an hour away! she's got laptops! 5 Husbands AND kids! and NOBODY SEEMS TO NOW WHERE SHE IS!?


I say we cut every goddamn dollar of aid to Pakistan now. They've consistently developed nuclear technology, aided terrorists both financially and physically(all well before Bin Laden was hiding there) against our wishes while claiming to be our allies. You can never tell what face you are talking to with their government. The Bin Laden supporters in Pakistan are now making a fuss because we didn't tell them we we're going in to get him? Why in hell would we let them know? So they could tell him AGAIN and he could move somewhere else like last time? When its clear their military and security forces have been compromised by Taliban and Al Qaida sympathizers? What? Are we stupid? He murdered 3,000+ Americans, several dozen of which were innocent Muslims, ranging in age from their late 60s to a couple’s unborn child. Six of these victims were Muslim women, including one who was 7 months pregnant. Many were stockbrokers or restaurant workers, earning a living to care for their families.

There were converts and immigrants, hailing from over a dozen different countries and the U.S. There were heroes: a NYPD cadet and a hotel worker, who sacrificed their lives attempting to rescue others. The Muslim victims were parents to over 30 children, who were left orphaned without one or both of their parents. And they were worried about him not getting a proper Muslim burial? Hello!? Is it proper Muslim burial technique to BLOW UP, BURN and force people to jump hundreds of feet to their own death? I didn't think so. fuck them ,fuck him-I'm glad the last thing the sonaofbitch ever saw was an American soldier shooting his rotten black brains all over the compound walls. No virgins for you dick face-just a one way ticket to dinner with the fishes. See ya...and I wouldn't want to be ya!!

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