Sunday, December 23, 2012

Elegy For Antimony And Petrol


Unfinished soliloquy
interrupted by damaged cacophony
shake in time to the dischord
the growing hordes
cannot discern the odes to freedom
whores and saints ride the median
in to distolian admissions
to ponder
the collapse souls in the moment
of disarmament
disenaging dismorphic abandoned
acolades mistakes fade
in distance rattled clocks broken
draize train padlocked; addled.

is it clue-filled arithmetic changing
 or refractions on a theme in
language becoming gorgeous
panhandled illustrated
orchestrated for
the sound of wings flapping
over low mountains.

minded. carbon
unspooled filled
a universe riding unhinged undiminished
knife edges.
as dawn raids
air escapes
pinions swing in the
swim of mechinics
authentic ryhtm
machines , portals of symmetry
eclaipsed by history
erased and brought together
in Antimony's desire.

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