Friday, November 4, 2011

Probably Been Down For Days

I can tell
how you are
how the sun
meets the star
don't mean nothing
like the mountains
over lurid skies
dreams close eyes
two before
you and more
believe in
divine comedy
let them cluck
and scratch dirt
one morning we
all will see
what is left behind
the rabbit's ears
and the static filled
have you seen
the tears go on
for days, when the phone is down
the lights are off
critics scoff
but candles
scare shadows
with vandal's tools
crashed into pedals
melted metals
become craft
life, then a raft
let cowards tie us
before we drift
into dreams
life is tired
or so it seams
will I ever
bring these
two halves together
sewn down like tethers
dusted by witches brooms

oh my foolish little ....

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