Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Everything before the Deluge sounded like a whisper talking to a scream / Stray dogs / my mind

Been so long / So confused / SO tired / SO overstretched to the point of infinity / no time for art / no time for reading / everything is trash / everything is squealing / everything is simply on fire in the skyline where angels rest / I hate this / Hate You / Hate ME / HATE THIS / Tired Of This / Camilla, the old, old, old, old story....this story is old. I have been bought and sold. Everything in your heart chases gold. Everything is happening now. / I am a fraud, and a failure, and a relief / I am the chief architect of my disappointment, my arm detachment - detected by dis-a-jointment / boy's turf / dream/ fans / flutes / fanatics / fluid / hope/ dreams / release / gates / open / happiness / waiting till some sort of sunshine happens to wander by...
 New York n/ State of My-ind
Marin. Pffffhhhttt!!!

 San Francisco / wrong season the tree is dead / the sky is blue
 Fremont / we'll meet again
 Pastel Skies / snuggle bunny
Miss you kitchen kitty

Help me remember me / I was somebody

The The / lifeline save  me healing

You throw rocks
the docks heave 
the wove and the wreaths are satisfied
the wraiths and the willows are seated and sated
the tires all fall flat and deflated
cu cut cut cut couldn't sleep at all /
can't sleep / can't sleep
can't sleep
the empty houses
dead parental spouses
espousing silence and 
art of nothingness 

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