Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Movie At The Rest Of Time

hateful fascination
lately, hazily and in your face-ly
media wash-overs
a million stories a minute
and I cannot swim well anymore;
drowning sometimes.
overwhelmed beyond a careless yawn.
then sleep.
(then kisses, then dreams, then hope without heartache for
a million daffodils waving like a chorus line)
everything joyful is ignored
everything changes too quickly to fall in love to deeply
to keep things close which
one can keep
that any fire might
render asunder
low grade chaos,
every star in the night sky
exposes by flame
the game changed
me, who I once knew
into something new
I cannot swim through
I sometimes miss The Who I thought I knew
(then there are things I know / my baby just cares for me /
each star in the sky dulls in comparison / to he)
sand, caving in from waves
which I understand overlap
birds flap over heads, things go white,

and for a minute I gaze as time passes
in the quiet/loud
in here.

I'm always in here.
everything seems to come back here.

my thoughts, dark or light, to the same place.
circling and circling and circling
inside my anxiety
my trembling before
the cage bars
to a frozen bird.

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