Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lucre is the Large Infection /
Its Time For Your Injection

move into
a small space
under a blanket of snow
fear under the stars
they all crash into the tundra
and cast all that is seen into darkness

its okay
sit here and we'll play
turn down the lights games
read labels and forget names
count the flakes
from underneath
no one can see us
no one can hear us
no one can hurt us
when we're invisible

crazy promise
that love is
a hundred thousand daggers
and a voice screamed hoarse in ecstasy
in between each set of eyes
truths are exchanged
and we're chased by swans
around the lake ignored manly mornings
each wrapper is pulled away
and tossed aside
pain is your just reward
slow pollution of the derelict insides
rotten from reproduction and fallow
damaged schoolgirl dreams
facetious raping reality's injection with liquidity
like the poison of the vampire's

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