Sunday, December 4, 2011

Questions for Dr. Ina

1. he is now experiencing what appears to be diarrhea and a slightly sore or irritated anus. Is this because he is still dehydrated or from the antibiotics? If it is should he be on Mitranidizole to keep that under control. It seems like the treatment may keep him dehydrated if it persists since is he eating/drinking so little.

2. Should I be looking for way to make him eat? is it better that he eats a certain amount of food? I know he is weak and part of his bathroom trouble is around being too weak. He pooped on the bathroom floor and on my bed today. Is this "overflow incontinence"? I have a feeling it is because is is too weak/constipated or still dehydrated. Is it possible that the kidney infection came from a UTI? if so would that be kick using the same antibiotic?

3. Since lack of appetite from the pain of the infection has kept him from eating, Would putting him a low does of steroids boost his appetite without hurting him?

3. Ask about what the final stages of kidney failure will look like so I can avoid any unnecessary or prolonged pain. Other than obvious physical signs like crying or deep breathing, what should I look for?

as of today he is still cleaning, still purring. His eyes and ears look okay. I shove his favorite treats at him every time I interact with him. he has eaten at least three teaspoons full of treats today. I gave him some this morning. Mark gave him some this afternoon while he was upstairs, I gave him some this afternoon in my room and then he ate about 6 or 7 when he got his evening fluids. I just gave him 3 more now. I measured out that many into an empty fancy feast can and it just about fills it up. Plus I gave him some fresh ground turkey(first time ever) just to see if he would take some. He did, about 3 thimbles full by my eye. I am guessing that he has eaten about 1+1/4 cans of food. He licked a few times in the wet fancy feast tuna but didn't touch it after that. Maybe tomorrow I will try the packaged low sodium tuna and see if that works. Heck, I am just trying anything at this point. anything....

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