Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More New Kitty Research Type-stuff

Issue about Cats to remember:

1. Although a cute kitten is nice, I need a cat that is either closer in temperament to Tweed or closer in age. A young adult cat, even if spayed will be very rambunctious and slightly aggressive, which is part of cats being that age. However, having that energy directed at an older cat may actually be stressful. I would consider it, but it would mean having to spend a good time longer on adjusting them and behavioral training. I know there are ways to help do this but it has been a while since I have merged to differing cats who weren't raised together. Perhaps an older male or middle aged female.

2. I can love nearly any cat-even an indifferent one-but for Tweed there is a lot more at stake in terms of breaking up his routines. Another cat, a new cat, will certainly require him changing his patterns, perhaps across the board. Sleeping and play areas, eating, food types and litterbox use will all shift-I may need to add a second litter box. They will need to get used to each other. Things like shared grooming may take a while to kick in. I do think if I end up with a younger cat that I should again have a place where the cats can play that is devoted to them, where they can look out over their space-my room currently-and be able to climb-maybe by my window. Cats are BIG on vertical space. . Even though Tweed is unlikely to use it as much, for exercise reasons, I think it is essential for younger cats. Truth be told, even with the co-mourning Tweed and I have been doing, I have been trying to get Tweed to play, both to gauge his potential activity level for another cat and to check his health. Not being able to really play and romp with Josquin these last few months has really meant that Tweed also has gotten less physical activity(not unlike his owner). I was sort of pleasantly surprised by his vigor when he played with his new 'hot dog' catnip toy. I tossed it around on top of the bed for a few minutes and he chased it, clawed at it and chewed on it like he was a rascally kitten again. He wasn't eating as much as he used the last few days which I have worried about-but today he ate and pooped more-and I hope that is a trend that continues. He seems like he is at a good weight right now and it would be nice for him to stay there if possible.

There is much to do, and many other items that I need to finish first(like Golden Boy) which I haven't forgot about, and medical coverage stuff-and looking for work. That is all in process...but right now its a lot.

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