Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lemurs In The Ruins of Alexandria

his soul blindfolded
her body in a cage
drown our sorrows
as did Iscariot
at the haunted cafe
they love to see through
lost in the deserts of persia
where women dance for you
and they serve amnesia.

I thought you liked
your honey spiked
which way to the exit
you just sent a sext it
midnight view over look outs
left my watch in your back seat
waiting for a miracle
as the clock keeps
a beat..

bent over in the garden
we bleed on the roses
afforded a view
and a few thorns too
lemurs wake dreamers
rented room in Alexandria
absinthe makes his bones
shine right through you
too much to fondle
in the flickering light
as it dwindles

we don't have to make it
all the way to cloud nine
pull off the path
won't have to wait
just one place over
and a lot less crowded
on cloud eight.

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