Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sketch Pad May 23rd, 2010

why does anybody need anything from me anyway
squeezing out the blood
from my heart wrapped in stone

I believe...
that true love never dies
and that I don't and cannot know
everything in this world,
but I can have fun
if I try

and why does anybody need me to be anything
don't know how long it will go
or how far

peeling off like wet sheets in the rain
whipped away into the mists of time.

And I believe
From the burst of perpetual motion
and ocean of ideas sprang
and sang of unheard song
when the days were new
and hearts were fired
before pistols and
distal relations
came to pass.

That you and I are of the earth
Like an orchid in the forest
I dip below the surface
unlike the other flowers
who follow the blistering light
in their heliotrophic failure
they fable the wrapped earth
pretending it is stable.

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