Saturday, June 6, 2009


The new Disney/Pixar movie really surprised me. The first 20 minutes are probably some of the most sublime and sad moments I have ever seen in a cartoon or animated movie. I could not stop crying! Even though the film has elements which are obviously fantastical, there is so much grounding the film emotionally, you barely realize how strange the circumstances of the plot are(Balloons tied to a house that happens to float all the way to South America overnight?) yet that alone is not enough to stop me liking this film.

It works on a lot of levels, even though there were times when I thought the pace was a little slow. Of course the visuals are spectacular-even animated they are spectacular. I saw the film in 3D but honestly, other than the title blocks and the some of the (talking) dog chase scenes, I didn't really get that much added to the film. It was really not necessary but it got me to fork over another three bucks to the Castro Street Theatre where I saw the film. And I love supporting local movie houses in the heart of the gayest neighborhood on the planet.

Go see the film-its aimed at kids obviously but there is a wonderful film for adults in there as well, something for everyone. If you have recently lost a loved one or a spouse this film may be hard to watch but essential to healing one's heart. I highly recommend it.

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