Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Selfie Ghoul / Time Off / I Still Can

4 AM / No Sleep / AS / In Passing We Grow Older Everyday / Always

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Monday, June 12, 2017

*Busy Signal* / Prospect of Sound / Scent of a Sunset

I'm not asking for more now.

Whew, this last year. Barely any blog posts. total life shift. The dog's bollocks. Doing a lot of barking but taking a break from my creativity to make money. How does one do both again? derailed, curtain -called and hard to do without a sense of reason.

Cut to the heart of pain / I just do the same again

Tough middle age bitch, but I demure

from stiff upper lip to angle-poise grace,
 I step away,

    guided. IN the evening air, lost in space.

the noise, the (lack of) art

 sprinting, sleeping, spluttering, suggesting, subjugating,

    not sold separately, irreprepablytrembleylatelyshankly.

  but all is cast off before the fire

 before old flames die

and your mother poisons

   the apple pie
  (the palace is still part of a silver age)*

*Your son and the moon.