Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don't let go

All the dust that has collected in me
will be washed away
and all the bastards
who would not listen
when I tried to tell the time
will hear me

You got to give everything you've got
before you give up and give in to rot
but there is a lesson in the wilderness
temptation is an evil mistress

will you hear me
when I try to tell you the time
will you listen to me
when I am spending my last dime
drop it on you
I am calling
will the bastards remember
when I am fallen

Babe, I am tired
but I am so damn wired
like a cable connection
lost in reflection
what do I see in me on the other side

well, I'm hiding
the sun is out
and its just blinding.
I cower behind these rocks
for a little while...
you feel like you're spent
while other's find you magnificent

I'm trying to let go
I'm trying to let the real me show
in this crazy race
where only rats win
I don't want either of us to give in
I believe...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another War - another way forward....

I wanted to come back from my self imposed break with something extraordinary and breathtaking but I'm afraid-well not afraid but less than thrilled-that it hasn't been exactly a sea change. I think I have put some of the pieces in place to move forward and some other things are in motion for positive changes ahead.

and of course there's always some poetry.
I grabbed my phone
lifted if off the glass orchid shelf
I sensed the world was falling apart
or maybe it twas the water on my face
Left over from the battle yesterday
another set of tears
from another war

that came back from the darkened sea
right back from the left in pieces
near apartments on the beach.
conch shells whistled for the dying
sailors buried beneath the surf
Soliders from the last
conversational exploration...
resting in the earth.